Change of command Parade CO 1st Battalion, Border Regiment

LTC Ku Syairi Ahmad taking over command from LTC Rosezaimee

KELANTAN: Seramai 16 pegawai dan 516 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) terlibat dalam Perbarisan Serah Terima Tugas Pegawai Memerintah Batalion Pertama Rejimen Sempadan yang disempurnakan oleh Panglima 30 Bgd, Brig Jen Hassan Embong di Padang Kawad Pasukan pada 8 Mei 19.

Acara serah terima tugas ini menyaksikan Peg Memerintah 1 RS, Lt Kol Rosezaimee Abdullah @ Ismail menyerahkan tugas dan tanggungjawab kepada Peg Memerintah yang baru, Lt Kol Ku Syairi Ahmad.
Perbarisan diketuai Penolong Pegawai Memerintah 1 RS, Mej Ahmad Rostham Nordin.

Oleh: Sjn Mohd Faizal Abd Rahman
Gambar: LKpl Mohd Firdaus Zolkiffle

KELANTAN: A total of 16 officers and 516 members of the Other Pangkat (LLP) were involved in the Task Force Handover of the First Battalion Command of the First Battalion Regiment by the Commander of 30 Bgd, Brig Jen Hassan Embong in Team Kawad Padang on 8 May 19.

 The handover ceremony was witnessed by the Order of the Order of 1 RS, Lt Col Rosezaimee Abdullah @ Ismail handed the assignment and responsibility to the new Order of Order, Lt Col Ku Syairi Ahmad.The parade was led by Assistant Civil Servant 1 RS, Mej Ahmad Rostham Nordin.

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