New Provost Marshall and Director Royal Military Police Corp

New Provost Marshall BG Azman@Norazman Selamat taking over from BG Hj Mislan Anuar.

KUALA LUMPUR: Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Provos Marsyal Darat Ke-7 dan Pengarah Kor Polis Tentera Diraja (KPTD) yang Ke-14 di Foyer Dewan Perkasa, Wisma Perwira ATM pada 10 Mei 2019.

Majlis dimulakan dengan acara serah terima tugas Provos Marsyal Darat di antara Brig Jen Hj Mislan Anuar dan Brig Jen Azman@Norazman Selamat.

New Director Royal Military Corp COL Abd Wahab Geoh taking over from BG Azman@Norazman Selamat.

Majlis diteruskan lagi dengan acara Serah Terima Tugas Pengarah KPTD di antara Brig Jen Azman@Norazman Selamat dan Kol Abd Wahab Geoh.

Majlis serah terima tugas telah disaksikan oleh Ketua Staf TD, Mej Jen Datuk Mohamad Zakaria Hj Yadi.

Selain daripada itu, majilis yang bersejarah ini turut disaksikan oleh 64 pegawai dan 49 Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) KPTD.

Ketua Staf TD dalam ucapannya menyatakan bahawa beliau berasa bangga dengan pencapaian KPTD dan menegaskan agar seluruh warga KPTD senantiasa memberi sokongan dengan penuh taat setia terhadap pucuk pimpinan yang baharu yang mana beliau beryakinan KPTD akan terus cemerlang di bawah kepimpinan yang baharu ini.

KUALA LUMPUR: The 7th Marsh Land Provider Handover and the 14th Director of the Royal Military Police (KPTD) at the Perkasa Hall Foyer, Wisma Perwira ATM on May 10, 2019.

The ceremony commenced with the handover ceremony of Marsh Land Provocation between Brig Jen Hj Mislan Anuar and Brig Jen Azman @ Norazman Selamat.

New Director Royal Military Corp. COL Abd Wahab Geoh taking over from BG Azman @ Norazman Selamat.

The ceremony was continued with the KPTD Director's Handover Ceremony between Brig Jen Azman @ Norazman Selamat and Kol Abd Wahab Geoh.

The handover ceremony was witnessed by TD's Chief of Staff, Mej Jen Datuk Mohamad Zakaria Hj Yadi.

In addition, this historic event was witnessed by 64 officers and 49 Other Pangkat (LLP) KPTD.

TD's Chief of Staff in his speech stated that he was proud of KPTD's achievement and stressed that all KPTD members would always support their loyalty to the new leadership which he assured KPTD would continue to excel under this new leadership.

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