New Regimental Sergeant Major 71st Division Workshop

RSM Change-of-Appointment Ceremony between WO2  Norhafiz Ahmad and WO2 Erry Hashim.

Sabah: Lima pegawai dan 120 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkaj (LLP) telah terlibat dengan Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah 71 Woksyop Div, Lt Kol Azis Masjak yang telah dilaksanakan di Padang Kawad Pasukan pada 15 Mei 2019.

Aturcara Perbarisan dimulakan dengan Pegawai Memerintah menerima Tabik Hormat  dan seterusnya Menyaksikan Upacara Menandatangai Nota Serah Terima Tugas RSM dan Penyerahan Tongkat Kuasa diantara PW 2 Norhafiz Ahmad dan PW 2 Erry Hashim.

Pemakaian Pangkat diadakan sejurus selesai acara serah Terima Tugas RSM.
Dalam Ucapannya, Pegawai Memerintah menegaskan Agar semua lapisan Anggota pasukan ini menerapkan ASAS dalam melaksanakan Tugas dan Tanggungjawab yang Diamanahkan, Beliau Juga Berseru agar setiap anggota tahu tugas dan tanggungjawab masing-masing Agar mampu mendukung 14 Perkara Didalam Perintah Ulung PMT TD.

Perbarisan Pegawai Memerintah 71 Wksp Div Diakhiri dengan Acara Bergambar.

Oleh: Mej Dailami
Gambar: sjn Patrick

Parade of Commanding Officer 71 Div Workshop

SABAH: Five officers and 120 other members of the Pangkaj (LLP) have been involved with the Royal Commemoration Parade of 71 Division Woksyop, Lt Kol Azis Masjak who has been executed at Team Kawad Pasukan on May 15, 2019

The Parade's Program started with the Ordering Officer accepting Sermon and then witnessing the Ceremonial Handover Ceremony of RSM's Handover and Handling Ceremony between PW 2 Norhafiz Ahmad and PW 2 Erry Hashim.

Upgrading is held upon completion of the RSM Duty Handover event.

In his Speech, the Commanding Officer asserted that in order to ensure that all members of the force applied the BASE in carrying out the Assigned Tasks and Responsibilities, he also called upon each member to know their respective duties and responsibilities in order to be able to support the 14 Things In The Prime Order PMT TD.

Parade of Commanding Officer 71 Wksp Div Ended with Display Event.

By: Mej Dailami
Picture: sjn Patrick

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