Happy Warriors Day to Malaysia's Warriors

The independence and freedom we have enjoyed so far has been the result of the sweat, blood and sacrifice of the country's soldiers who are capable of doing anything to preserve the security and sovereignty of this beloved homeland.

Your services and talents are always remembered and well carved in the history of the country.

For information, the federal level 2019 Warriors Day celebration has been postponed to September 2019.

Selamat Hari Pahlawan kepada Perwira-Perwira Negara 🇲🇾

Kemerdekaan dan kebebasan yang kita nikmati selama ini adalah hasil keringat, darah serta pengorbanan besar perajurit negara yang sanggup melakukan apa saja demi mempertahankan keamanan dan kedaulatan tanah air tercinta ini.

Jasa dan baktimu sentiasa kami kenang & kemas terpahat dalam lipatan sejarah negara.

*Untuk makluman, sambutan Hari Pahlawan 2019 peringkat persekutuan telah ditunda ke bulan September 2019.


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