MAF Perisai Wira Task Force Roadshow

JOHOR: A total of 36 Officers, 315 other ranks and 30 Iskandar Camp Staff were involved in the MAF Perisai Wira Task Force Roadshow was held at the 21 Special Service Group (SSG), Iskandar Camp, Mersing on 12 Nov 2019.

The opening of the program was officiated by the 21 SSG Operations Course Colonel, Col Khairul Anuar Haji Yaacob to represent the 21 SSG Commander.

During the opening speech, the SSG has taken a serious look at the threat of Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) and the LTTE and other militant groups.

SSG is working hard to curb the involvement of its members with Daesh militants and LTTE and other militants.

The program is intended to provide guidelines for the threat of the militants to all SSG members as well as civil servants who are either in the Iskandar Camp or outside the Iskandar Camp.

The program, which started at 0800 to 1300, was overseen by two speakers from the Anti-Terrorism Division, Defence Intelligence Staff Division (DISD), LTC Dr Zulkarnain Haron and LTC Shaharudin Abd Rahman.

At the end of the program, a presentation of souvenir was presented by the 21 SSG Course Operation Col to the Head of the DISD Anti-Terrorism Branch.

Also present were the Commanding Officer of HQ Garison Mersing, LTC Mohd Izani Muhamad Noor and SSG Senior Officers.

Program Road Show Task Force Perisai Wira ATM

JOHOR: Seramai 36 Pegawai, 315 Anggota LLP dan 30 Kakitangan Awam Kem Iskandar terlibat dalam Program Road Show Task Force Perisai Wira ATM telah diadakan di Dewan Jenalik 21 Gerup Gerak Khas Kem Iskandar Mersing Johor pada 12 Nov 2019.

Pembukaan program dirasmikan oleh Kol Operasi Kursus 21 GGK, Kol Khairul Anuar Haji Yaacob bagi mewakili Panglima 21 GGK.

Semasa ucapan pembukaan GGK sentiasa memandang serius ancaman Islamic State In Iraq And Syria (ISIS) dan kumpulan LTTE serta lain-lain kumpulan militan.

GGK berusaha keras mengekang penglibatan anggotanya dengan kumpulan militan Daesh dan kumpulan LTTE serta lain-lain kumpulan militan.

Program ini diadakan adalah untuk memberi garis panduan bahaya ancaman kumpulan militan ini kepada semua warga GGK serta kakitangan awam yang berada dalam Kem Iskandar mahupun yg berada di luar Kem Iskandar.

Program yang bermula pada jam 0800 hingga 1300 diseliakan oleh dua penceramah dari Cawangan Anti Keganasan Bahagian Staf Perisikan Pertahanan (BSPP) iaitu Lt Kol Dr Zulkarnain Haron dan Lt Kol Shaharudin Abd Rahman.

Diakhir program, penyampaian cenderahati telah disampaikan oleh Kol Operasi Kursus 21 GGK kepada Ketua Cawangan Anti Keganasan BSPP.

Turut hadir bagi memeriahkan Program Pegawai Memerintah MK Garison Mersing, Lt Kol Mohd Izani Muhamad Noor serta Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan GGK.

Oleh: SSjn Ahmad Norizam Jaaffar.
Gambar: Sjn Wan Mohd Hairy Wan Ismail.

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