Exercise Satria Tangkas and Satria Berani to Test 15 RMR

NEGERI SEMBILAN: A total of 20 officers and 280 other ranks of the 15th Royal Malay Regiment (15 RMR) from 1st Brigade took part in Exercise Satria Tangkas and Exercise Satria Berani from 1 to 9 December 2019.

Exercise Satria Berani CPX
Exercise Satria Berani CPX

Ex Satria Berani is a command post exercise (CPX) and was officiated by Commander 1 Bde, BG Mhd Nazri Abd Rahman and conducted in the dining hall of the 15 RMR. The exercise was conducted from 1 to 3 December 2019 .

The exercise aims to test the credibility and competence of the staff and senior non-commissioned officers (NCO) as well as evaluate the effectiveness of logistics aspects based on the established scenario.

Meanwhile, Ex Satria Tangk, which was based on the concept of the Conventional Warfare was held around the Felda Bera South 7 area from 4 to 9 December 2019.

For this exercise, 15 RMR was given the honor of leading the exercose, which was implemented to measure combat operations capabilities and the role of team personnel in the implementation and planning of operations.

Ex Satria Tangk night training
Ex Satria Tangk night training

The training is also seen to evaluate the effectiveness of the doctrine and the ARTEP as well as improve the level of readiness of officers and team members during operations.

15 RAMD Uji Keupayaan Dalam Eks Satria Tangkas dan Eks Satria Berani

NEGERI SEMBILAN: Seramai 20 pegawai dan 280 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) daripada pasukan naungan 1 Briged menyertai Eksesais Satria Tangkas dan Eksesais Satria Berani yang berlangsung mulai 1 hingga 9 Dis 2019.

Eks Satria Berani iaitu eks berkonsepkan pos pemerintah (CPX) telah disempurnakan pembukaannya oleh Panglima 1 Bgd, Brig Jen Mhd Nazri Abd Rahman dan dilaksanakan di Dewan Makan, Batalion Ke-15 Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja (15 RAMD) bermula pada 1 hingga 3 Dis 2019.

Eks ini bertujuan untuk menguji kredibiliti dan kompetensi pegawai dan PTT Kanan di samping menilai keberkesanan aspek logistik berdasarkan senario eks yang diwujudkan.

Manakala, Eks Satria Tangkas yang berkonsepkan Peperangan Konvensional pula telah dilaksanakan di sekitar kawasan Felda Bera Selatan 7 mulai 4 hingga 9 Dis 2019.

Bagi eks ini, 15 RAMD telah diberikan penghormatan untuk menerajui eks, yang dilaksanakan untuk mengukur keupayaan operasi tempur serta peranan staf pasukan dalam pelaksanaan dan perancangan sesuatu operasi.

Latihan ini juga dilihat mampu menilai keberkesanan doktrin dan ARTEP serta meningkatkan tahap kesiagaan pegawai dan anggota pasukan semasa tugasan operasi.

Oleh: Sel Risik 15 RAMD

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