Senior Minister of Defence Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob Visits Butterworth Air Base

BUTTERWORTH, June 20, 2020 - The Butterworth Air Base (PU Butterworth) becomes the first air base visited by Senior Minister of Defence YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob during his working visit to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF).

This Working Visit is a manifestation of his mandate focusing on the Ministry's four directions, including:

  1. Empower the MAF in terms of assets and weaponry.
  2. Enhance the technology systems used by MAF to keep up with the latest technology developments.
  3. Empower the defence industry so that Malaysia can become a strong country in the defence industry in the region.
  4. Empower the welfare aspects of MAF members and the welfare of MAF veterans.

The arrival of the Minister was received by Base Commander BG Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin and he inspected Quarterly Control from PU Butterworth. He arrived at No. 18 Squadron and was welcomed Chief of Air Force Gen Dato' Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad, Chief of Air Operations, LG Dato' Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman, Commander Air Education and Training, LG Dato' Roshaimi bin Zakaria, senior RMAF officers and base executive groups.

Senior Minister of Defence YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob visiting static display at BUTTERWORTH Air Base.
Senior Minister of Defence YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob visiting static display at Butterworth Air Base.

Subsequently, the Minister and the delegation were briefed on PU Butterworth and base operations, infrastructure development planning including the RKAT home for PU Butterworth residents, the constraints and challenges facing the base in general. He was also brought to see the static exhibition of F/A-18D (Hornet), Hawk and EC 725 AP helicopters.

COAF Gen Dato'Sri Ackbal with YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob inside an aircraft.
COAF Gen Dato'Sri Ackbal with YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob inside an aircraft.

YB Minister was also brought in to see the operational capabilities of the HAWK's Full Mission Simulator (FMS) and the Hornet Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT). He also had the opportunity to simulate flying the fighter aircraft.

The visit was also attended by Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Dato' Sri Reezal Merican bin Naina Merican and Ministry of Defence Secretary-General Datuk Muez bin Abd Aziz.

BUTTERWORTH, 20 Jun 2020 - Pangkalan Udara Butterworth (PU Butterworth) menjadi pangkalan udara pertama dilawati oleh Menteri Kanan Pertahanan, YB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob dalam sesi lawatan kerja beliau ke perkhidmatan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM).

Butterworth Air Base Commander  Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin presenting Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob with a momento.
Butterworth Air Base Commander Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin presenting Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob with a momento.

Lawatan Kerja ini adalah manifestasi amanat beliau yang memfokuskan empat hala tuju Kementerian, antaranya :

  1. Memperkasakan ATM dari segi aset dan persenjataan.
  2. Mempertingkatkan sistem teknologi yang digunakan oleh ATM agar selari dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini.
  3. Memperkasakan industri pertahanan agar Malaysia dapat menjadi sebuah negara yang kuat dalam industri pertahanan di rantau ini.
  4. Memperkasakan aspek kesejahteraan anggota ATM dan kebajikan veteran ATM.

Ketibaan YB Menteri diiringi Komander Pangkalan, Brig Jen Shaiful Azuar bin Ariffin TUDM telah menerima dan memeriksa Kawalan Kuarter dari PU Butterworth. Beliau tiba di No. 18 Skuadron disambut oleh Panglima Tentera Udara, Jen Dato’ Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad TUDM; Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato' Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM; Panglima Pendidikan dan Latihan Udara, Lt Jen Dato' Roshaimi bin Zakaria TUDM; beberapa pegawai kanan TUDM serta kumpulan eksekutif pangkalan.

YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob signing the guest book.
YB Dato' Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob signing the guest book.

Seterusnya YB Menteri serta delegasi telah diberikan taklimat berhubung PU Butterworth dan pengoperasian pangkalan, perancangan pembangunan infrastruktur termasuk kediaman RKAT kepada warga PU Butterworth, kekangan serta cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pihak pangkalan secara holistik. Beliau juga telah dibawa melihat pameran statik pesawat pejuang F/A-18D (Hornet), Hawk dan helikopter EC 725 AP.

YB Menteri juga telah dibawa melihat kesiagaan pengoperasian Pusat Simulator Pejuang (PSP) iaitu Full Mission Simulator (FMS) HAWK dan Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT) Hornet serta berpeluang membuat simulasi menerbangkan pesawat pejuang berkenaan.

Lawatan kerja ini turut dihadiri Menteri Belia dan Sukan, YB Dato' Sri Reezal Merican bin Naina Merican; dan Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Pertahanan, Datuk Muez bin Abd Aziz.

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