RMAF Air Defence Simulation Exercise (ADSIMEX) Series 3/2020

KUANTAN, 7 Sep 2020 - The Commander of Air Operations, Lt Gen Dato' Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman RMAF officiated the opening of the Air Defence Simulation Exercise (ADSIMEX) Series 3/2020 which took place at CRC 1, Kuantan Air Base through a video conference conducted by Air Force Operation Center (AFOC).

Also present at the opening ceremony of this exercise were the Commander of Air Region 1, Maj Gen Dato' Zulkifli bin Hj Hamid RMAF and Commander of the Kuantan Air Base, Brig Gen Mohd Fadzil bin Mohd Diah RMAF.

ADSIMEX which starts from 7 Sep to 11 Sep 2020 is an annual exercise of the Control & Report trade. This series is a simulation phase for eight (8) students of the Master Controller Operational Conversion Course (MCOCC) and Weapon Assignment Operational Conversion Course (WAOCC) before going on to the live mission phase of the PARADISE Exercise which will be conducted in October 2020.

KUANTAN, 7 Sep 2020 – Panglima Operasi Udara, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohammad Salleh bin Hj Osman TUDM merasmikan pembukaan Air Defense Simulation Exercise (ADSIMEX) Siri 3/2020 yang berlangsung di CRC 1, Pangkalan Udara Kuantan melalui sidang video yang dilaksanakan dari Air Force Operation Center (AFOC).

Air Defence Simulation Exercise (ADSIMEX) Series 3/2020 Opening Ceremony
Air Defence Simulation Exercise (ADSIMEX) Series 3/2020 Opening Ceremony

Turut hadir ke perasmian pembukaan eksesais ini adalah Panglima Wilayah Udara 1, Mej Jen Dato’ Zulkifli bin Hj Hamid TUDM dan Komander Pangkalan Udara Kuantan, Brig Jen Mohd Fadzil bin Mohd Diah TUDM.

ADSIMEX yang bermula dari 7 Sep hingga 11 Sep 2020 ini merupakan sebagai eksesais tahunan tred Kawal & Lapor (K&L). Siri kali ini dijadikan platform fasa simulasi kepada lapan (8) orang penuntut Master Controller Operational Conversion Course (MCOCC) dan Weapon Assignment Operational Conversion Course (WAOCC) sebelum menghadapi fasa misi hidup pada Eksesais PARADISE yang mana akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 20 nanti.

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