Closing Ceremony of National Resilience Course 2020 at PUSPAHANAS

PUTRAJAYA, 30 Sep 2020 - The closing ceremony for National Resilience Course 2020 was officiated by the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), Gen Tan Sri Dato' Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang RMAF at the National Resilience Course 2020 (KKN 2020) at the Main Auditorium, National School of Defense (PUSPAHANAS), Putrajaya today.

The National Resilience Course 2020 which started on 3 September 2019 made its own history as it was the first series held since the establishment of the National Resilience College (Maktab Ketahanan Nasional) officially at a new location in Putrajaya attended by senior officers of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) with the rank of Brig Gen and Colonel or equivalent.

A total of 20 senior officers comprising four (4) senior officers from the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), 12 senior officers of the Malaysian Army (TDM) and four (4) senior officers of the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) attended the course which was conducted for 52 weeks, covering course work and projects, and presentations of national policies and strategies for the last 4 months.

At this ceremony, the CDF also launched a scholarly manuscript entitled "Nation Call" produced by course students with Brig Gen Dato' Dr. Mohd Radzi bin Abdul Hamid as Editor. It is a compilation book of assignment reports by course students as the country faces the COVID-19 epidemic.

Meanwhile, the handover of the duties of the President of PUSPAHANAS between Vice-Admiral Dato' Ganesh Navaratnam and Lt Gen Dato' Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz also took place. Prior to that, there was a promotion ceremony for Lt Gen Dato 'Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz who was the first Commander of the National Resilience College before being appointed as the new President of PUSPAHANAS.

Vice-Admiral Dato' Ganesh Navaratnam handing over the duties of the President of PUSPAHANAS to Lt Gen Dato' Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz
Vice-Admiral Dato' Ganesh Navaratnam handing over the duties of the President of PUSPAHANAS to Lt Gen Dato' Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz.

The ceremony was also attended by the Chief of Army, Gen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain; Chief of Navy, Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany, members of the Board of Governors of the National Resilience College and several invited guests.


PUTRAJAYA, 30 Sep 2020 – Panglima Tentera Udara, Jen Tan Sri Ackbal bin Hj Abdul Samad TUDM telah menghadiri Majlis Penutup Kursus Ketahanan Nasional 2020 (KKN 2020) di Auditorium Utama, Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (PUSPAHANAS), Putrajaya hari ini. Majlis ini telah disempurnakan oleh Panglima Angkatan Tentera, Jen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang TUDM.

Closing ceremony for National Resilience Course 2020.
Closing ceremony for National Resilience Course 2020.

Kursus Ketahanan Nasional 2020 yang bermula pada 3 September 2019 mencipta sejarahnya tersendiri kerana merupakan siri pertama yang diadakan sejak penubuhan Maktab Ketahanan Nasional (National Resilience College) secara rasmi di lokasi baharu di Putrajaya yang dihadiri oleh pegawai kanan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) berpangkat Brig Jen dan Kolonel atau setaraf.

Seramai 20 pegawai kanan terdiri daripada empat (4) orang pegawai kanan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM), manakala 12 orang pegawai kanan Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan empat (4) orang pegawai kanan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) telah menghadiri kursus yang dilaksanakan selama 52 minggu merangkumi kerja kursus diikuti dengan penghasilan dan persembahan polisi serta strategi nasional untuk tempoh 4 bulan yang terakhir.

Pada majlis ini, Panglima Angkatan Tentera turut melancarkan sebuah naskah ilmiah bertajuk “Nation Call” yang dihasilkan oleh penuntut kursus dengan Brig Jen Dato’ Dr. Mohd Radzi bin Abdul Hamid sebagai Editor. Ia merupakan buku kompilasi laporan penugasan oleh penuntut kursus semasa negara mendepani wabak COVID-19.

Sementara itu, turut berlangsung adalah Serah Terima Tugas Presiden PUSPAHANAS di antara Laksamana Madya Dato’ Ganesh Navaratnam dengan Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz. Sebelum itu, telah diadakan upacara pemakaian pangkat Lt Jen Dato’ Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz yang merupakan Komandan pertama Maktab Ketahanan Nasional sebelum dilantik sebagai Presiden PUSPAHANAS yang baharu.

Mej Jen Dato’ Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz promoted to the rank of Lt Jen at the ceremony.
Mej Jen Dato’ Hj Md Yusof bin Aziz promoted to the rank of Lt Jen at the ceremony.

Majlis turut dihadiri oleh Panglima Tentera Darat, Jen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain; Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany, ahli Lembaga Gabenor Maktab Ketahanan Nasional serta beberapa tetamu jemputan.

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