Appointment of New RMN Naval Region 2 Commander RADM Rusli bin Ahmad

SANDAKAN, 11 Dec - The transition of leadership of the Naval Region 2 Headquarters (MAWILLA 2) was officially completed today. The historic moment for the people of MAWILLA 2 saw YBhg VADM Dato’ Sabri bin Zali officially handing over the post of Commander Naval Region 2 (PANGWILLA 2) to YBhg RADM Rusli bin Ahmad. This ceremony was completed at Dewan Azim, RKTLDM Taman Samudera.

After almost 2 years leading the reign of MAWILLA 2, YBhg VADM Dato' Sabri bin Zali handed over the leadership of MAWILLA 2 to a new successor. The new PANGWILLA 2, YBhg RADM Rusli bin Ahmad was previously appointed as the Deputy Commander of the Eastern Fleet, at the East Fleet Command Headquarters, Kota Kinabalu RMN Base.

In his speech, YBhg VADM Dato' Sabri described carrying the responsibility as PANGWILLA 2 as one of the most challenging tasks. He recorded his highest appreciation and a million words of thanks for the dedicated service and solidarity of all MAWILLA 2 personnel given throughout leading MAWILLA 2. The dedicated efforts and sweat succeeded in realizing the excellence achieved by this Headquarters as well as the units under its command.

YBhg VADM Dato' Sabri is confident with the leadership touch from the new PANGWILLA 2 with the people of MAWILLA 2, this headquarters will forge more success that will make the name of RMN in particular and MAF in general. He believes that YBhg RADM Rusli's vast experience will definitely help in the decision making process (decision making process) later. YBhg VADM Dato' Sabri also called on all personnel to give full cooperation to this new leadership.

YBhg VADM Dato' Sabri ended his speech by conveying the hope that the people of MAWILLA 2 will always cooperate with each other in ensuring the administration and operation of this Headquarters can be implemented smoothly. He also reminded all citizens to always comply with the current instructions of the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) especially the aspect of physical imprisonment and self-health practices to curb the spread of COVID-19 which has not yet shown a positive sign of case recovery until now, especially in Sabah.


VADM Dato’ Sabri bin Zali officially handing over the post of Commander Naval Region 2 (PANGWILLA 2) to YBhg RADM Rusli bin Ahmad
VADM Dato’ Sabri bin Zali officially handing over the post of Commander Naval Region 2 (PANGWILLA 2) to RADM Rusli bin Ahmad

SANDAKAN, 11 Dis – Peralihan tampuk kepimpinan Markas Wilayah Laut 2 (MAWILLA 2) telah disempurnakan secara rasmi hari ini. Detik bersejarah bagi Warga MAWILLA 2 menyaksikan YBhg Laksamana Madya Dato’ Sabri bin Zali secara rasminya menyerahkan jawatan Panglima Wilayah Laut 2 (PANGWILLA 2) kepada YBhg Laksamana Muda Rusli bin Ahmad.

Majlis ini telah disempurnakan di Dewan Azim, RKTLDM Taman Samudera.

Setelah hampir 2 tahun menerajui tampuk pemerintahan MAWILLA 2, YBhg Laksdya Dato’ Sabri bin Zali menyerahkan kepimpinan MAWILLA 2 kepada pengganti baharu.

PANGWILLA 2 yang baharu, YBhg Laksda Rusli bin Ahmad sebelum ini diperjawatkan sebagai Timbalan Panglima Armada Timur, di Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur, Pangkalan TLDM Kota Kinabalu.

Dalam ucapan, YBhg Laksdya Dato’ Sabri menyifatkan menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai PANGWILLA 2 adalah antara tugas yang paling mencabar. Beliau merakamkan ucapan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan dan ucapan jutaan terima kasih atas khidmat bakti dan kerjasama padu semua warga MAWILLA 2 yang diberikan sepanjang menerajui MAWILLA 2.

Usaha dan keringat yang didedikasikan berjaya merialisasikan kecemerlangan yang telah dicapai oleh Markas ini serta unit-unit bawah naungan.YBhg Laksdya Dato’ Sabri yakin dengan sentuhan kepimpinan daripada PANGWILLA 2 yang baharu bersama warga MAWILLA 2, Markas ini akan menempa lebih banyak kejayaan yang akan mengharumkan nama TLDM khasnya dan ATM amnya.

Beliau percaya pengalaman luas yang dimiliki YBhg Laksda Rusli pastinya akan membantu dalam aspek membuat keputusan (decision making process) kelak.

YBhg Laksdya Dato’ Sabri turut menyeru kepada semua warga supaya memberikan kerjasama penuh terhadap kepimpinan yang baharu ini.

YBhg Laksdya Dato’ Sabri mengakhiri ucapan beliau dengan menyampaikan harapan agar warga MAWILLA 2 sentiasa bekerjasama antara satu sama lain dalam memastikan pentadbiran dan pengoperasian Markas ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar.

Beliau turut memperingatkan agar semua warga sentiasa mematuhi pengarahan semasa Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) terutamanya aspek penjarakan fizikal dan amalan kesihatan kendiri bagi membendung penularan COVID-19 yang masih belum menampakkan tanda positif terhadap kesembuhan kes sehingga kini terutamanya di negeri Sabah.

Sumber : Cawangan Komunikasi Strategik MAWILLA 2

Artikel : Lt Kdr Ahmad Fitri bin Osman TLDM

Foto : Cawangan Komunikasi Strategik MAWILLA 2

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