Launch Ceremony of Cyber and Electromagnetic Division Defence (BSEP)

16 Dec 2020, Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Armed Forces (MAD) today launched the Defence Cyber ​​and Electromagnetic Division (BSEP) as the security forces readies itself to face cyber and electromagnetic domain threats.

MAF Chief General Tan Sri Affendi Buang said, the establishment of the division aims to strengthen the development of existing defence capabilities when faced with the current threat which is seen as increasingly complex.

He said cyber and electromagnetic threats should not be underestimated as they involve various matters and if no preparation is made with relevant knowledge, the country will bow to this threat.

"The boom of borderless communication technology is now leading to various irresponsible parties trying to carry out the threat and indirectly, able to contribute to the deficiencies of defense and national security," he said at a press conference after the launch of BSEP at the Haigate Complex here.

BSEP is an organisational transformation of the Communications and Electronics Division of Defense (KOMLEK), MAF HQ, established in 1993 which previously through several alignments and branding.

Affendi said, BSEP will focus on Electromagnetic Cyber ​​Activities (CEMA) as a new domain in its list of roles without changing the conventional role of development and management, communication, information and communication technology (ICT) and electromagnetic domains.

He said, at the same time, the establishment of BSEP can strengthen the construction of network monitoring and defence centers that act as the main firewall to protect the national defense strategic communications network.

"In general, BSEP will act as a leading agency at the Ministry of Defense and MAF levels in coordinating all matters related to cyber and electromagnetic.

"With this, the BSEP command and control will be more organised, controlled and run more smoothly because all the implementation of the electromagnetic cyber domain activity is centered under one command only," he said.

At the ceremony, Affendi also announced Rear-Admiral Datuk Shamsuddin Ludin as the Director General of BSEP.


Kuala Lumpur: Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) hari ini melancarkan Bahagian Siber dan Elektromagnetik Pertahanan (BSEP) sebagai kesiagaan pasukan keselamatan itu mendepani ancaman domain siber serta elektromagnetik.

Panglima ATM Jeneral Tan Sri Affendi Buang berkata, penubuhan bahagian itu bertujuan mengukuhkan pembangunan keupayaan pertahananan sedia ada ketika berdepan ancaman semasa tersebut yang dilihat semakin kompleks.

Beliau berkata, ancaman siber dan elektromagnetik tidak boleh diperlekeh kerana ia membabitkan pelbagai perkara dan jika tiada persediaan dibuat bersama-sama pengetahuan yang relevan, negara akan tunduk dengan ancaman ini.

"Hasil ledakan teknologi komunikasi tanpa sempadan kini membawa kepada pelbagai pihak tidak bertanggungjawab yang berusaha melakukan ancaman itu dan secara tidak langsung, mampu menyumbang kepada kepincangan aspek pertahanan serta keselamatan negara," katanya pada sidang media selepas pelancaran BSEP di Kompleks Haigate di sini.

BSEP adalah transformasi organisasi Markas ATM Bahagian Komunikasi dan Elektronik Pertahanan (KOMLEK) ditubuhkan pada 1993 yang sebelum ini melalui beberapa penjajaran serta penjenamaan.

Affendi berkata, BSEP akan memberi tumpuan kepada Aktiviti Siber Elektromagnetik (CEMA) sebagai domain baharu dalam senarai peranannya tanpa merubah peranan konvensional iaitu pembangunan dan pengurusan, aspek komunikasi, teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) serta domain elektromagnetik.

Beliau berkata, pada masa sama, penubuhan BSEP dapat memperkukuh pembinaan pusat pemantauan dan pertahanan rangkaian yang bertindak sebagai tembok api utama melindungi rangkaian komunikasi strategik pertahanan negara.

"Secara amnya, BSEP akan bertindak sebagai agensi peneraju di peringkat ATM dan Kementerian Pertahanan dalam mengkoordinasikan semua perkara berkaitan siber dan elektromagnetik.

Rear-Admiral Datuk Shamsuddin Ludin as the Director General of BSEP.
Rear-Admiral Datuk Shamsuddin Ludin as the Director General of BSEP

"Dengan ini, aspek perintah dan kawalan BSEP akan dilihat lebih tersusun, terkawal selain berjalan lebih lancar kerana kesemua pelaksanaan aktiviti domain siber elektromagnetik itu dipusatkan di bawah satu naungan sahaja," katanya.

Pada majlis itu, Affendi turut mengumumkan Laksamana Muda Datuk Shamsuddin Ludin selaku Ketua Pengarah BSEP.

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