Canadian Armed Forces Conducts Exercise MANTIS in Malaysia under Strict COVID-19 SOP

MELAKA: The Commander of the Western Field Engineer (KJMB), Brig Gen Ir Abdul Hamid Mohd Isa paid a visit to the 12th Royal Engineers Regiment (12 RER) in conjunction with the Mantis Exercise Series 7/2021 on 26 Jan 2021.

This exercise will be conducted from 18 Jan to 31 March 2021 involving a combination of elements from the Malaysian Army (TDM) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for operations and threats against terrorism in the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive environment (CBRNe).

Earlier, the arrival of KJMB was welcomed by the Commanding Officer, Maj Mohd Adli Sani and followed by a photo event in compliance with the COVID-19 Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) set by the government.

The next event was an exercise briefing in the Unit Meeting Room which was presented by the Commanding Officer as the Exercise Planning Staff.

Malaysian Army and Canadian Army in Ex MANTIS
Malaysian Army and Canadian Army in Ex MANTIS

In KJMB's speech, he took it very emphasized seriously that all levels of officers and personnel to comply with COVID-19 SOP so that this exercise can be carried out smoothly and safely.

He also reminded the officers and personnel involved to always focus fully on the exercise carried out and be able to achieve the objectives that have been set.

By: Lt Mohamad Hapiszul Sulaiman



MELAKA: Komander Jurutera Medan Barat (KJMB), Brig Jen Ir Abdul Hamid Mohd Isa telah melakukan lawatan ke Skuadron Ke-12 Rejimen Askar jurutera Diraja (12 RAJD) Sempena Eksasais Mantis Siri 7/2021 pada 26 Jan 2021.
Eksesais ini dilaksanakan bermula dari 18 Jan hingga 31 Mac 2021 dimana eksesais ini melibatkan kombinasi elemen-elemen dari Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) dan Angkatan Tentera Kanada (ATK) bagi operasi dan ancaman melawan keganasan dalam persekitaran Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNe).
Malaysian Army and Canadian Army in Ex MANTIS
Malaysian Army and Canadian Army in Ex MANTIS

Terdahulu, ketibaan KJMB telah disambut oleh Pegawai Pemerintah, Mej Mohd Adli Sani dan diteruskan dengan acara bergambar dengan mematuhi Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) COVID-19 yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan.
Acara seterusnya adalah taklimat eksesais di Bilik Mesyuarat Pasukan yang telah disampaikan oleh Pegawai Pemerintah selaku Staf Perancang Eksesais.
Dalam ucapan KJMB, beliau amat memandang berat dan serius agar semua peringkat pegawai dan anggota mematuhi SOP COVID-19 supaya eksesais ini berjaya dilaksanakan berjalan dengan lancar dan selamat.
Beliau juga mengingatkan pegawai dan anggota yang terlibat agar sentiasa memberikan sepenuh tumpuan terhadap eksesais yang dijalankan serta berupaya mencapai objektif-objektif yang telah ditetapkan.
Turut hadir Pegawai Staf 2 CBRNE Markas RAJD Pemerintahan Medan Barat Tentera Darat.
Oleh: Lt Mohamad Hapiszul Sulaiman

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