Change of Appointment Ceremony for Director of Information Warfare, Defence Intelligence Staff Division

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Jan 21- The Handover Ceremony for the Director of Information Warfare between Brig Gen Dato' Basri Kasban and Col Dr Sayuthi Jaafar was held at the Director-General Defence Intelligence Office, Defence Intelligence Staff Division, witnessed by Lt Gen Datuk Ahmad Norihan Jalal and Maj Gen Mohd Anuar Mohamad Ali in a video conference.

New Director of Information Warfare Col Dr Sayuthi Jaafar (right).
New Director of Information Warfare Col Dr Sayuthi Jaafar (right).

Brig Gen Dato’ Basri Kasban has held the position of Director of the Information Warfare Directorate from 5 August 15 to 20 Jan 21 and has started his leave from 21 Jan 2021 before ending his service on 9 August 21 after serving for more than 41 years.

The Royal Signals Corps would like to thank him for all his dedicated contributions throughout his service in the Army in general and in the Royal Signals Corps in particular. Happy retirement and good luck YBhg Dato’.


KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Jan 21- Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Pengarah Peperangan Informasi di antara Brig Jen Dato’ Basri Kasban dengan Kol Dr Sayuthi Jaafar telah diadakan di Pejabat KPPP, Bahagian Staf Perisikan Pertahanan disaksikan oleh Lt Jen Datuk Ahmad Norihan Jalal dan Mej Jen Mohd Anuar Mohamad Ali secara sidang video.

New Director of Information Warfare Col Dr Sayuthi Jaafar (right).

Brig Jen Dato’ Basri Kasban telah memegang jawatan sebagai Pengarah Direktorat Peperangan Informasi bermula 5 Ogos 15 sehingga 20 Jan 21 dan telah mula bercuti bermula 21 Jan 2021 sebelum menamatkan perkhidmatan pada 9 Ogos 21 setelah berkhidmat lebih dari 41 tahun.

Kor RSD menzahirkan ucapan terima kasih di atas segala sumbangan bakti yang dicurahkan beliau sepanjang perkhidmatan di dalam TD amnya dan di dalam Kor RSD khasnya. Selamat bersara dan selamat maju jaya YBhg Dato’.

Sumber: Mej Mohd Fauzan bin SafieeJurugambar: SSjn Shah Rizal bin Mohd

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