26,500 Malaysian Army Personnel to Receive Covid-19 Vaccination

NEGERI SEMBILAN: Chief of Army (COA), Gen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose Mohd Zain explained that a total of 26,500 Army personnel will receive the first phase vaccine of the National COVID-19 Immunization Program nationwide.

“Army will prioritize those who serve as the front line and when the 26,500 personnel are counted, they will be vaccinated in the first stage and focus will be on personnel operating in the red zone.

"I leave it to the technical team from the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) Health Division to determine who in the red zone," explained COA.

He said this in the Press Conference of the Male Junior Soldiers Training Series 192/2020 and Women Series 46/2020 at the Army Basic Training Center (PUSASDA) on 20 Feb 2021.

According to him, each personnel will receive two doses of injection which equates to the Army being given a total of 52,000 doses.

COA hopes that with the cooperation of all parties, personnel working in the front line in the red zone will get the vaccine as soon as possible.

Apart from that, he also stated that the Army is always ready if needed to help maintain the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine once it arrives in the country, including at vaccine storage centers throughout the country.

"However, in this first stage, only policemen will receive and send the vaccines to storage areas.

"The military personnel are not involved but all are in a state of readiness if needed and will be mobilized," he explained.

26,500 Anggota TD Terima Vaksin COVID-19

NEGERI SEMBILAN: Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jen Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose Mohd Zain menjelaskan bahawa seramai 26,500 anggota Tentera Darat (TD) akan menerima vaksin fasa pertama Program Imunisasi COVID-19 Kebangsaan di seluruh negara.

“TD akan mengutamakan mereka yang bertugas sebagai barisan hadapan dan apabila dibuat pengiraan seramai 26,500 anggota akan mendapat vaksinasi di peringkat pertama dan memfokuskan kepada anggota yang beroperasi di kawasan zon merah.

“Saya serahkan kepada pihak teknikal bahagian kesihatan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) untuk mendefinasikan siapa anggota yang berada di zon merah,” jelas PTD.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam Sidang Media Tamat Latihan Perajurit Muda Lelaki Siri 192/2020 dan Wanita Siri 46/2020 di Pusat Latihan Asas Tentera Darat (PUSASDA) pada 20 Feb 2021.

Menurut beliau lagi, setiap anggota akan menerima dua dos suntikan yang mana jika 26,500 anggota terlibat pihak TD akan diberi sebanyak 52,000 dos untuk dilaksanakan.

PTD berharap dengan kerjasama dari semua pihak, anggota yang bertugas di barisan hadapan di zon merah akan mendapat vaksin secepat mungkin.

Selain itu beliau turut menyatakan bahawa TD sentiasa bersiap sedia sekiranya diperlukan dalam membantu menjaga keselamatan vaksin COVID-19 sebaik sahaja tiba di negara termasuk di pusat-pusat simpanan vaksin di seluruh negara.

“Walaubagaimanapun dalam peringkat pertama ini hanya anggota polis yang menerima dan akan menghantar vaksin-vaksin ke kawasan-kawasan simpanan.

“Anggota tentera tidak terlibat tetapi semua berada dalam keadaan siap sedia sekiranya diperlukan dan akan diaturgerakkan,” jelas beliau.

Turut hadir semasa Sidang Media, TPTD, Lt Jen Dato’ Mohammad Abdul Rahman dan Panglima Latihan Tentera Darat, Mej Jen Dato’ Nazari Abd Hadi.

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