10 Royal Malaysian Navy Assets Involved in Exercise Borneo War 2/21

SANDAKAN: The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) has held Borneo War Exercise Series 2/21 involving 10 marine assets in Sandakan Waters.

The exercise is a dynamic approach to assess the readiness and capability of the Naval Region 2 Headquarters (MAWILLA 2).

The ten marine assets that participated in the exercise were KD Kedah, KA Tun Azizan, KD Paus, KD Baung, KD Todak, KD Yu, KD Sri Gaya, KD Sri Tiga, KD Sri Johor, and CB 90 HEX Combat Boat.

An EC 725 helicopter belonging to the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) also participated in the exercise this time which was specially flown from Labuan Air Base.

The exercise was conducted for two days starting on 24 February which included the  port phase and sea phase training.

The Task Element consisting of 11 assets has been moved to the training area in action.

The ships involved were tested with a series of exercises such as going through mine-free areas, maritime science, helicopter operations, armaments, communications, war and emergency tactics.

The exercise was conducted to test the level of preparedness of the ship's crew in dealing with various emergency situations above and below the water surface.

The second series of training was attended by the Commander Eastern Fleet, Rear Admiral Dato' Sabri Zali who also participated in the 2nd series of the training said, “The Borneo War Exercise this time not only aims to increase the Fleet's competency level but also to test the readiness of the assets involved, especially when the country is facing the threat of a COVID-19 pandemic.

"This Borneo War exercise is an initial preparation for a larger-scale exercise with the involvement of foreign countries in the future," he said.

Sabri said the RMN was also proud that KD Sundang would be commissioned in early March and hoped that the operation of the new RMN assets would further strengthen the fleet's readiness in preserving maritime sovereignty in the East Coast region of Sabah.

The exercise was also attended by the Commander Naval Region 2, Rear Admiral Rusli Ahmad.

The conduct of this training is in line with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic which has been set by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) where all #NavyPeople involved have been certified free from epidemic infection.

This exercise also indirectly has a positive impact on the maritime community in the East Coast of Sabah in increasing confidence in the capabilities and commitment of the RMN in general and MAWILLA 2 in particular to maintain the stability and safety of local waters.

The successful implementation of Borneo War Exercise Series 2/21 proves the ability of the assets of the MAWILLA 2 RMN Fleet in meeting the operational needs of the Maritime Operations Area (KOM) of the Sabah East Coast Security Zone (ESSZone).

Latihan Perang Borneo libat 10 aset TLDM, helikopter TUDM

SANDAKAN: Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) telah mengadakan Latihan Perang Borneo (PB) Siri 2/21 melibatkan 10 aset laut di Perairan Sandakan.

Latihan itu merupakan pendekatan dinamik bagi menilai kesiagaan dan keupayaan Armada Markas Wilayah Laut 2 (MAWILLA 2).

Sepuluh aset laut yang menyertai latihan itu melibatkan KD Kedah, KA Tun Azizan, KD Paus, KD Baung, KD Todak, KD Yu, KD Sri Gaya, KD Sri Tiga, KD Sri Johor, dan Bot Tempur CB 90 HEX.

Sebuah helikopter jenis EC 725 milik Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) turut menyertai latihan kali ini yang diterbangkan khas dari Pangkalan Udara Labuan.

Latihan itu telah dilaksanakan selama dua hari bermula pada 24 Februari lepas yang melibatkan latihan fasa pelabuhan dan fasa laut. 

Elemen Tugas (Task Element) yang terdiri daripada 11 buah aset itu telah diaturgerak ke kawasan latihan dalam keadaan bertindak.

Kapal-kapal yang terlibat telah diuji dengan beberapa siri latihan seperti melalui kawasan bebas periuk api, ilmu kelautan, pengoperasian helikopter, persenjataan, komunikasi, taktik peperangan dan kecemasan.

Latihan dilaksanakan bertujuan bagi menguji tahap kesiapsiagaan kru kapal dalam menghadapi pelbagai situasi kecemasan di atas dan bawah permukaan air.

Latihan siri kedua ini telah disertai oleh Panglima Armada Timur, Laksamana Madya Dato’ Sabri Zali yang turut menyertai latihan siri 2 itu berkata, “Eksesais Perang Borneo kali ini bukan sahaja bermatlamat untuk meningkatkan tahap kompetensi Armada tetapi juga bagi menguji tahap kesiapsiagaan aset-aset terlibat terutamanya semasa negara sedang menghadapi ancaman pandemik COVID-19.

“Latihan Perang Borneo ini merupakan persediaan awal menghadapi eksesais yang berskala lebih besar dengan penglibatan negara-negara asing pada masa hadapan kelak," katanya.

Sabri berkata pihak TLDM juga berbangga kerana KD Sundang bakal ditauliahkan pada awal bulan Mac ini dan diharapkan dengan pengoperasian aset TLDM baharu ini akan memantapkan lagi kesiapsaigaan Armada dalam memelihara kedaulatan maritim di wilayah Pantai Timur Sabah ini.

Latihan itu juga turut disertai oleh Panglima Wilayah Laut 2, Laksamana Muda Rusli Ahmad.

Pelaksanaan latihan ini adalah selaras dengan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) pencegahan penularan wabak COVID-19 yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) di mana kesemua warga #NavyPeople yang terlibat telah disahkan bebas daripada jangkitan wabak.

Pelaksanaan latihan ini juga secara tidak langsung memberi impak yang positif kepada komuniti maritim di Pantai Timur Sabah dalam meningkatkan keyakinan terhadap kemampuan dan komitmen TLDM amnya dan MAWILLA 2 khasnya bagi mengekalkan kestabilan dan keselamatan perairan setempat.

Kejayaan pelaksanaan Latihan PB Siri 2/21 ini membuktikan kemampuan aset-aset Armada TLDM MAWILLA 2 dalam memenuhi keperluan operasi di Kawasan Operasi Maritim (KOM) Zon Keselamatan Pantai Timur Sabah (ESSZone).

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