Royal Malaysian Navy Launches the 601 Unmanned Aerial System Squadron

4 March 2021 – The Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) made history today with the launch of 601 Squadron, the Unmanned Aerial System Squadron (UAS) at the RMn Kota Kinabalu Air Station by the Chief of Navy, Admiral Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany. The ceremony was also attended by a representative from the United States Embassy, ​​Senior Defense Attaché Captain Muhammad Muzzafar Feroze Khan.

UAS ScanEagle is a Boeing-Insitu aircraft manufactured by the United States government for the Malaysian government through the Maritime Security Initiative (MSI) program. This system was first accepted by RMN on 6 May 2020 consisting of 6 aircraft, 2 launchers, 2 skyhooks and 3 Ground Control Stations (GCS) worth RM180 million. The RMN is expected to receive several more ScanEagle UASs under the MSI program before the end of 2021.

Squadron 601 also made history as the first UAS squadron to be formed and operated within the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF). The operation of UAS will give RMN an advantage in terms of Intelligence, Survillance, Recconaisance (ISR) throughout the country’s waters as well as increase current maritime domain awareness (MDA).

The 12-month operational training guided by a representative of the Boeing-Insitu company was started by the 601 Squadron operating crew and the inaugural flight of the ScanEagle aircraft was successfully completed on 5 February 2021. This operational training is one of the development phase of RMN UAS which aims to produce a competent operational crew and able to operate the system well.
Source: Strategic Communications Division, Eastern Fleet Command Headquarters


4 Mac 2021 – TLDM melakar sejarah hari ini dengan pelancaran Skuadron 601 iaitu Skuadron Sistem Pesawat Tanpa Pemandu (Unmanned Aerial System) atau UAS di Stesen Udara TLDM Kota Kinabalu yang disempurnakan Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Mohd Reza bin Mohd Sany. Majlis turut dihadiri oleh wakil dari Kedutaan Amerika Syarikat, Atase Pertahanan Kanan Captain Muhammad Muzzafar Feroze Khan.

UAS ScanEagle adalah pesawat buatan syarikat Boeing-Insitu yang dibekalkan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat kepada kerajaan Malaysia melalui program Maritime Security Initiative (MSI). Sistem ini telah mula diterima oleh TLDM pada 6 Mei 2020 yang terdiri daripada 6 pesawat, 2 launcher, 2 skyhook dan 3 Ground Control Station (GCS) bernilai RM180 juta. TLDM dijangka akan menerima beberapa buah UAS ScanEagle lagi di bawah program MSI sebelum penghujung tahun 2021.

Skuadron 601 juga mencatatkan sejarah sebagai skuadron UAS yang pertama diwujud dan dioperasikan di dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Pengoperasian UAS akan memberi kelebihan kepada TLDM dalam aspek Intelligence, Survillance, Recconaisance (ISR) di seluruh perairan negara serta meningkatkan maritime domain awareness (MDA) semasa.

Latihan operasi selama 12 bulan yang dibimbing oleh wakil syarikat Boeing-Insitu telah mula dilaksanakan oleh kru operasi Skuadron 601 dan penerbangan sulung bagi pesawat ScanEagle berjaya dilaksanakan pada 5 Februari 2021 yang lalu. Latihan operasi ini merupakan salah satu daripada fasa pembangunan UAS TLDM yang bertujuan melahirkan kru operasi yang kompeten serta mampu mengendalikan sistem dengan baik.

Sumber: Bahagian Komunikasi Strategik, Markas Pemerintahan Armada Timur



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